Plot Documentation

  • Plots can usually be downloaded by clicking the icon next to the image. The image is saved in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file-format, which allows arbitrary resizing and editing without degrading the image quality. You can edit the image using the free software Inkscape which can also convert the image to other formats.
  • Data from some plots can be copied into probability distributions that can be used in other simulations. Look for the icons and next to the plot.
Histogram plot showing simulation results.
  • This plot shows a histogram where the bars indicate the density of data-points.
  • The red curve smoothly estimates the probability distribution using KDE.
  • The blue curve shows the best-fitting normal-distribution.
  • The red box at the bottom shows the probability of loss, i.e. the fraction of data-points that are negative.
  • The background is green for gains and red for losses.
2D histogram plot showing simulation results.
  • This plot shows a 2-dimensional histogram, where the shades of cornflower blue indicate the density of data-points in a region, so that darker blues indicate regions with higher concentrations of data-points.
  • The x-axis typically shows varying inputs for the simulation model, and the y-axis shows the corresponding simulation results.
  • The red box at the bottom shows the probability of loss, for the value on the x-axis that is marked as a dashed blue line.
  • The background is green for gains and red for losses.
Violin-plot showing simulation results for multiple years.
  • This is a violin-plot which shows the KDE smoothened probability distribution for each future year.
  • Each probability distribution is just a KDE curve that has been rotated 90 degrees so we can fit more distributions in a single plot, and also mirrored so it looks nicer.
  • These are often shown with a simplified box-plot inside, which can make them look like violins (and something else we can't quite recall, but we might have seen a long time ago).
  • If there are negative values or losses in some distributions, then the red boxes at the bottom show the probability of loss for each, i.e. the fraction of data-points that are negative.
  • The background is green for gains and red for losses.
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