Glossary Documentation


Term Explanation
\( \sum \) Sum the numbers \( x_t \) from \( t=1 \) to \( N \):  \( \sum_{t=1}^N x_t = x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_N \)
\( \prod \) Multiply the numbers \( x_t \) from \( t=1 \) to \( N \):  \( \prod_{t=1}^N x_t = x_1 \cdot x_2 \cdots x_N \)
\( \Delta \) Greek letter "Delta" used as a prefix to a variable, to indicate a change in that variable.
\( \infty \) Infinity.


Term Explanation
\( X \) Random or stochsatic variable that can take on different values, often written as a set:  \( X = \{ x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_N \} \). Sometimes the numbers have different probabilities:  \( p_1, p_2, \cdots, p_N \).
Mean Arithmetic mean or average is a common way of measuring the centre of many numbers. It is denoted \( \mu \) or \( E[X] \) and defined as:  \( \mu = E[X] = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N x_t \)
Var Variance is a common way of measuring the spread of many numbers. It is denoted \( \sigma^2 \) or \( Var(X) \) and defined as:  \( \sigma^2 = Var(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N ( x_t - \mu )^2 \)
Std Standard deviation is also a common way of measuring the spread of many numbers. It is simply the square root of the variance, which has the advantage of having the same units (such as $ or millions) as the original numbers, whereas the variance squares those units. It is denoted \( \sigma \) or \( Std(X) \) and defined as:  \( Std(X) = \sqrt{Var(X)} = \sqrt{\sigma^2} = \sigma \)
Median When the numbers are sorted from smallest to largest, then the median is the middle number in the list. For example, if the sorted numbers are \( [1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 15, 27, 78, 1018] \) then the median is 12. The median is generally more robust to extreme outliers than the arithmetic mean, which is 130 in this example because of the extreme outlier 1018. Without that outlier the arithmetic mean would only be 19. If the list of numbers has an an even number of elements, then the median is the average of the two middle elements.
Quartile When the numbers are sorted from smallest to largest, then the three quartiles are the numbers that separate the list into four equally large parts, and the 2nd quartile is the median.
IQR Inter-Quartile Range is the difference between the 3rd and 1st quartiles. It is used to measure the spread of the numbers when removing outliers, because it is more robust to skewed distributions than using e.g. the mean and standard deviation to determine outliers.
KDE Kernel Density Estimate is a method for smoothing observed data-points to estimate a continuous probability distribution.


Term Explanation
Market-Cap Total market-value of all the shares of a company:  \( MarketCap = Shares \cdot Share\ Price \). Sometimes abbreviated as \( MCap \).
Intrinsic Value Actual value of a stock or other asset to its long-term owners. It can be estimated in different ways. For a stock it can be the company's excess cash plus the Present Value of all future earnings. We often denote it as \( v \) and \( V \) before some change such as a share buyback or issuance, and it is then denoted \( w \) and \( W \) after the change.
Future Value A nominal amount of money in the future.
Present Value (PV) Present-day equivalent of a future amount of money.
Net Present Value (NPV) Difference between the Present Value and current price. It can also be expressed as a ratio instead.
Discount Rate Number typically denoted as \( d \) that is used to calculate Present Values.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) The discount rate that makes the NPV zero, so the Present Value equals the current price. The IRR is used to measure the annualized rate of return on an investment, when interim payouts such as stock dividends are not reinvested in the same stock.
Total Return (TR) Investment return when interim payouts such as stock dividends are reinvested immediately in the same stock.
Annualized Return The annualized rate of return on an investment. For example, if the current value is $100 and the future value is $1500 in 10 years, then the annualized return is calculated as \( (\$1500 / \$100) ^ {1/10} - 1 \simeq 31.1\% \), which means the initial $100 grew by about 31.1% compounded each year to grow into $1500 after 10 years.
Trailing Twelve Months (TTM) Financial data that covers the previous 12 months. For a company this is calculated from the past 4 quarterly financial reports. TTM data is used because it gives 4 data-points per year instead of just 1 data-point when using the company's annual report.

Financial Ratios

Term Explanation
P/E The Price-To-Earnings ratio measures the market-value of a company relative to its earnings:  \( P/E = MarketCap / Earnings \). Or using per-share numbers:  \( P/E = Share\ Price / Earnings\ Per\ Share \).
P/S The Price-To-Sales ratio measures the market-value of a company relative to its sales:  \( P/S = MarketCap / Sales \). Or using per-share numbers:  \( P/S = Share\ Price / Sales\ Per\ Share \).
ROI Return on Investment is often defined as the nominal future value of an investment, divided by its original price or starting value:  \( ROI = Future\ Value / Price - 1 \). The annualized ROI is adjusted for the investment duration of \( N \) years:  \( Ann\ ROI = (Future\ Value / Price)^{1/N} - 1 \). If the investment has interim payouts such as stock-dividends, then you should use the IRR or Total Return for the annualized ROI.
ROIV Return on Intrinsic Value is the percentage gain or loss on a share buyback or issuance, relative to the intrinsic value of the entire company.
ROIS Return on Issuance is the percentage gain or loss on a new share issuance, relative to the value of the issued shares. It is calculated from the perspective of both the old and new shareholders.
ROB Return on Buyback is the percentage gain or loss on a share buyback, measured relative to the buyback amount.


Term Explanation
LT Long-Term.
ST Short-Term.
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